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What's the difference between Mk2 and Mk3 products?

posted in Products

PixLite® Mk3

The PixLite® Mk2 pixel controller range is powered by our Mk2, second-generation processor. Whilst still a good option for some, the introduction of PixLite® Mk3 has opened up many opportunities that weren't previously possible.

At its core, PixLite® Mk3 is powered by our latest and most powerful third-generation processor.

PixLite® Mk3 provides a major upgrade to your lighting installations. With improved visuals on your pixels themselves, quality of life improvements for everyone working with them, versatile options for small and large-scale installations, and performance you’ve never seen before, the PixLite® Mk3 is the ideal choice for professional and commercial applications.

Read all about this and more at the article: Five Reasons why you should Upgrade to PixLite® Mk3

Don't settle for outdated technology, upgrade to the PixLite® Mk3 and take your lighting installations to the next level.

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